Warm & Cool Colors Lesson Plan

Colors - The Warm and The Cool

Grade: Third Grade

Subject: Art

Lesson Content: The students will start out by listening to Camille Saint-Saens The Elephant then we will discuss how colors and music can evoke different feelings and emotions. Next we will make artwork by marbling paper and making silhouettes of elephants.

Teaching objectives: The students will learn how colors and music can evoke different feelings and emotions.

Learning Objectives:

  • b.1.B: identify art elements such as color, texture, form, line, space, and value and art principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity in artworks.
  • b.2.C: produce drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, ceramics, and fiberart, using a variety of art materials appropriately.
  • b.4.A: identify general intent and expressive qualities in personal artworks;

Artist Introduced: Paul Jenkins

Materials Needed:

Plastic table coverings (no newspaper - Ink will bleed)

legal size printer paper 

Shaving cream

Aluminum trays

Bottled watercolors (red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple)

Plastic forks

Poster boards (will be folded up tight to make scrapers)

Black or dark grey construction paper



Paper towels (for clean up)

Resources needed:

Music (Camille Saint-Saens The Elephant)

Multiple pictures of real elephants

Artist resource board

Element resource board

Motivation: (10-15 minutes) Class will talk about how they can change their attitude by listening to different music or surrounding themselves with different colors. Students can also get into different color groups and talk about how that color makes them feel and why.

Procedure: (40-45 minutes)

1.) Teacher should play Camille Saint-Saens The Elephant (can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug8hCAyBaqg&feature=related)

2.) Teacher will ask students how the song made them feel and if they can attach a color with their chosen feeling.

3.) The teacher can take this time to share their own color emotions with the class.

4.) Have students clear everything off their tables in order to start with the artwork.

5.) Pass out two sheets of 8 1/2 x 12 inch computer paper to each student and tell them to draw a line (recalling Monday’s lesson) “hotdog” style about three inches from the bottom that represents how they feel and cut along that line.

6.) Have students’ marble smaller strip of paper with cool colors and larger strip of paper with warm colors. (marbling instructions below)


               ***Marbling Instructions***

  • Layer about 1 inch of shaving cream onto an aluminum tray
  • Level it out with a piece of poster as a scraper
  • Use water based paint. Paint directly on top of the shaving cream. Use different compositions like concentric circles, stripes, half moons, etc.
  • Then using the back of the brush or a pointed stick or tooth pick. Swirl the paint. Do not push it down deep into the shaving cream. The paint will stay on the top.
  • Lay paper on top of the design and press down. Pull the paper off. The shaving cream will appear to be all smeared but wait.
  • Use the piece of poster board to squeeze off the excess shaving cream.


7.) Put both marbled papers off to the side for drying.

8.) Have students look at pictures of elephants and create a silhouette of their own elephant.

9.) Have students carefully cut out silhouettes

10.) When both pieces of paper are dried, students should glue both pieces onto their second sheep of paper making sure all corners match up.

11.) Now that the students have their background, have students glue their elephant silhouette(s) on the paper.

Closure: (10 minutes) Teacher can use this time to show additional pictures of elephants in their natural environments, making sure to show pictures of elephant silhouettes. The teacher should also show artwork by Paul Jenkins and talk to students about their expressive qualities.

Evaluation: (20 minutes) The class can have their own art gallery featuring the students elephant marbled art. Students can take time viewing each one while the teacher walks around asking different questions about art elements and expressive qualities.